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Remand extension for 18 arrested over Kolamaafushi PPM campaign office vandalism

Shaina Abdulla
15 September 2018, MVT 13:40
Men from Kolamaafushi who are being charged with terrorism. PHOTO: MDP
Shaina Abdulla
15 September 2018, MVT 13:40

Court has extended the remand of the eighteen arrested individuals from Kolamaafushi, Gaaf Alif Atoll under terrorism charges after they vandalized a campaign office of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The eighteen individuals were initially remanded for a period of 15 days. However, Gaafu Alif Atoll Villingili Court Magistrate has extended the remand of 17 individuals by 15 days and one individual by 12 days.

Former Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem, who is the lawyer representing the charged 18 people from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), stated that lawyers are trying to meet with each vandalized.

According to Shameem, it is not acceptable that they are being charged with terrorism for a case of vandalism.

In addition to Shameem, lawyer Mahfooz Saeed is also working on the case. Shameem highlighted that they are working on the case free of any charges as they want to stop the unconstitutional actions, inlined in favor of certain individuals.

MDP also raised concerns, claiming that it is not justified when only people from MDP are arrested and punished for a crime where both parties are equally involved. MDP claim that this shows that the police are politically influenced.

PPM reported the attack, revealing that a considerable amount of damage was done to the campaign office, while 10 supporters of the party were injured during the attack.