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Gaafu Alifu constituency revised ahead of parliamentary election

Mohamed Rehan
10 November 2023, MVT 07:48
Members of the Election Commission speaking at a press briefing.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
10 November 2023, MVT 07:48

Elections Commission (EC) has revised four constituencies of Gaafu Alifu atoll after considering public concerns, ahead of the parliamentary election.

While the commission publicized constituencies' report for the parliamentary election earlier in September 2023, Gaafu Alifu atoll comprising of a population of 15,510 was split into four constituencies.

The commission designated Vilingili as a separate and single constituency while Dhaandhoo, Nilandhoo and Maamendhoo are considered as a single constituency. Gemanafushi, Kanduhulhudhoo and Kondey form Gemanafushi constituency while Kolamaafushi constituency includes the island along with Dhevvadhoo.

A public member submitted complaint displeased with how the constituencies were split in the atoll. In response, Elections Commission said it has revised the atoll's constituencies.

With the new revision, Gemanafushi constituency now includes the island along with Kanduhulhudhoo and Dhevvadhoo.

The change also reflects on Dhaandhoo constituency which now has the island along with Nilandhoo and Kondey, while Maamendhoo is included with Kolamaafushi in the Kolamaafushi constituency.

EC said that it includes Dhevvadhoo in the Kolamaafushi constituency instead of Maamendhoo to equally distribute the population among the constituencies.

The commission earlier announced the addition of six new constituencies to the parliament increasing the legislative's seats from 87 to 93. EC said this change reflects the increment in Maldives' population.

EC also said it received 65 distinct complaints during the official complaint window regarding the constituencies for the upcoming parliamentary election, scheduled for early 2024.