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Government amends regulation to allow sand mining in Marine Protected Areas

The Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy has publicized an amended set of regulations that allow dredging and sand mining in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) under a special permit.

Hanaan Hussain
09 April 2024, MVT 11:50
Hanaan Hussain
09 April 2024, MVT 11:50

The Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy has publicized an amended set of regulations that allow dredging and sand mining in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) under a special permit.

Prior to the amendments made on Monday, regulations prevented sand mining and dredging within 200 meters of marine protected areas and environmentally sensitive areas.

However, as per yesterday’s amendment to the rules, permission for dredging or sand mining may also be granted from such sites on a specific basis in projects sanctioned by the Cabinet or a committee of the Cabinet.

Further, the amendments detail specific conditions to be fulfilled by the project contractor, including a detailed study on the flora and fauna in the region and relocation of endangered species. Restoration, ongoing monitoring and a risk assessment are also required of the contractors under the amendment, with the contractor also tasked with mitigating the adverse effects caused by sand mining under the oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).