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Family seeks air ambulance transfer for critical MNU lecturer

Mohamed Rehan
03 July 2023, MVT 16:02
Mohamed Rehan
03 July 2023, MVT 16:02

The family of Maldives National University (MNU) lecturer Ali Hafeez is seeking options to arrange an air ambulance to airlift him for medical attention abroad.

Hafeez was involved in a hit-and-run incident in the early hours of Wednesday on Majeedhee Magu in Malé City. As he was leaving the mosque after completing the dawn prayer, he was struck by a speeding motorbike that fled the scene.

Hafeez's family has expressed their concern over his critical condition, which has not yet stabilized since the accident. He is currently receiving treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU) of ADK Hospital.

Hafeez's family and friends are currently working to gather the necessary funds for his medical treatment.

While the lecturer, who has an impressive 18-year career in education, remains in critical condition, the Maldives Police Service has reported that the alleged perpetrator of the hit and run has been arrested.

Police said that the biker, aged 22, did not possess a driver’s license and was arrested through a court order. The alleged perpetrator’s arrest has come amid growing criticism from the public over the authorities’ lag in arresting him.

Police have stated that the 22-year-old biker involved in the incident did not have a driver's license and was apprehended through a court order. The arrest of the alleged perpetrator comes amidst mounting public criticism over the authorities' delay in taking action.

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