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ACC Clears Champa Brothers of receiving MMPRC corruption funds

02 July 2023, MVT 23:49
President of the Anti Corruption Commission Adam Shamil and Vice President of the commission Abdul Salaam at a press conference held by the commission -- Photo: Nishan Ali
02 July 2023, MVT 23:49

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has concluded that Champa Brothers Private Limited did not receive any embezzled funds from the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Commission (MMPRC) during former President Abdulla Yameen's administration.

The commission had investigated the case due to allegations that Champa Brothers participated in the corruption of the MMPRC, and announced the conclusion of the investigation. The decision of the ACC stated that there is no evidence or testimony to prove that Champa Brothers participated in money laundering or corruption related to MMPRC.

The investigation concluded that “this case is deemed not to involve any crimes of corruption”

The company owned by prominent businessmen Hussain Afeef and Mohamed Moosa (Uchhu) was accused of utilizing MMPRC and state-owned enterprises to misappropriate state funds between 2014 and 2015. Additionally, the company was alleged to have benefited from the embezzled money payable to the government for islands and lagoon leases.

The ACC is currently conducting investigations into several additional cases related to the MMPRC corruption scandal. They have already concluded some of these cases and have forwarded them for prosecution.

The ACC previously compiled a list of 281 individuals who are alleged to have benefited from theft and fraud associated with MMPRC. This list includes individuals currently holding various positions of power within the government as well as a few Members of Parliament (MPs).

A total of MVR 1.22 billion, owed to the state for the lease of islands and lagoons, had been embezzled through MMPRC. A significant portion of this money was given to individuals through the private company SOF.

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