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Lawyer withdraws case filed to swap election results

17 October 2018, MVT 18:58
A voter showing off her finger mark after voting in the Presidential Elections 2018. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
17 October 2018, MVT 18:58

Lawyer Abdul Maniu Hussain has withdrawn the case filed at the High Court to swap the results of both candidates during the presidential election.

The case filed by Maniu Hussain was based on claims made by the President's Office's spokesperson, Ibrahim Muaz Ali, during a recent rally of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

In the letter addressed to the Chief Justice, Shujau Asman, the lawyer states that claims made by Muaz of having witnessed the checkmark switching from the president's name to Solih's on a ballot paper, have proven to be false.

The lawyer further explained that the Elections Commission (EC) received no such complaints on September 23, the date on which the presidential election was held. He also noted it was unlikely that any individual who observed such an occurrence, did not immediately report it to the relevant authorities.

Maniu Hussain expressed regret for filing the electoral case based on 'clear lies' and requested the immediate withdrawal of the case.

Meanwhile, President Yameen has also filed a constitutional case at the Supreme Court, seeking to nullify the results of the presidential election. The court concluded hearings for the case on Tuesday and is yet to be release a verdict on the electoral case.