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Tekkers Resort Cup: St. Regis crowned Dhaalu atoll champions

Mohamed Rehan
23 May 2023, MVT 10:27
St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort becomes the champions of Tekkers Resort Cup 2023 Dhaalu Atoll Zone-- Photo: Tekkers
Mohamed Rehan
23 May 2023, MVT 10:27

St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort has emerged as the Dhaalu atoll champions in the Tekkers Resort Cup 2023.

St. Regis took the Dhaalu atoll champions’ title after winning against Kandima Maldives with a 2-1 win at the finals played last Friday, May 19.

Though Kandima maintained the game’s lead during the first half, St. Regis turned the tables during the second half. The winning team’s Assad Mohamed was also crowned Man of the Match.

The best players from Dhaalu atoll zone include Ibrahim Nashath, Ali Junaid from St. Regis and Ali Shamiu, Mohamed Ayaz, and Abdul Mugusith from Kandima Maldives.

From the best five players, Nashath also scored the most goals during the tournament, while Mohamed Ali from St. Regis won the Best Player title from the zone.

Besides St. Regis and Kandima Maldives, Niyama Maldives and Sun Siyam Iru Veli Resort participated in the Tekkers Resort Cup’s Dhaalu atoll zone tournament.

Following its win in the zone-tier of the Cup, St. Regis has now advanced to the tournament’s semi-finals, where it will be competing against the winners from South-Malé atoll zone.

The victor from the match between Raa atoll and Baa atoll will face off the champions from Noonu atoll, from which the winning team will go on to compete in the semi-finals against North-Malé atoll champions.

This is the second edition of the Tekkers Resort Futsal Cup.

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