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Decentralisation system may be undermined due to govt sponsored bills: MDP

Opposition parties MDP and The Democrats have expressed their concern over two government sponsored bills which are now in the Parliament.

Ameera Osmanagic
24 August 2024, MVT 12:40
[File] Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) during it's National Council Meeting -- Photo: MDP
Ameera Osmanagic
24 August 2024, MVT 12:40

The Infrastructure Planning bill and the Urban Development Bill, both proposed to the parliament by the government will shatter the country's decentralisation system, accused opposition party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

In a statement issued yesterday, the party said that some of the laws being proposed and passed by the government during the 20th Parliament will create many obstacles for the councils to implement the decentralisation system to its fullest extent.

MDP said that the Infrastructure Planning and Management Act would grant central agencies full authority to plan and utilise land spaces from islands without the participation from locals. They also stressed the the Urban Development Bill, which is currently in the committee stage, if passed as is now, carries the significant potential to shatter the foundations laid out in the constitution and laws to run the country in a decentralised manner.

As such, the party called for an open dialogue with councils, relevant civil society organisations as well as political parties, to discuss laws that may hinder the implementation of the Decentralisation Act.

"... [w]e urge the Parliament not to pass such bills without [relevant] consultation," the statement reads.

Local political party 'The Democrats' has also issued a statement expressing concern over the Urban Development Bill.

According to the government, the purpose of the Urban Development Bill is to determine Maldives' urban areas and to put together a structured framework to strengthen the development of such areas.

It also defines zones, classifications and land use in urban areas as well as basic criteria for development and management of such areas and policies on monitoring and action on implemented development projects.

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