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Fisheries Minister vows to ensure timely payments after weighing fish

Fisheries Minister Shiyam vows to find a permanent method of expediting payments owed to fisherman after the weighing and purchasing of fish by the related State institutions.

Aishath Shuba Solih
20 January 2024, MVT 13:07
Minster Shiyam joining a dive under the Rescue Diver Programme at GDh. Madaveli
Aishath Shuba Solih
20 January 2024, MVT 13:07

At a ceremony held at Gaaf Dhaal Atoll Madaveli yesterday to begin the Fishermen Rescue Diver program, Fisheries Minister Ahmed Shiyam said the timely payments for fishermen after weighing and purchasing fish by the State will soon be permanently arranged.

He assured the state's awareness of the many problems within the fishing industry and said that one the problems frustrating fishermen the most is the lack of timely pay after weighing fish caught, which in turn causes difficulties in purchasing ice and oil.

Despite the inability to provide the payment for fish due to the financial position of the State when the new government assumed control, Shiyam said that arrangements are being made to resolve these difficulties faced by the local fishermen.

"But, we took over the fishermen while aware of this [the difficulties], when the President assumed office. He has been working day and night to resolve these issues. I have the guarantee that, by God's will, the payment obligated to fishermen for the fish they have caught and sold will be soon arranged by the President without much delay," Shiyam said.

A total of MVR 136 million out of the large sum that was owed to fishermen by the State when President Dr. Mohamed Muiz assumed office has been deposited to date.

During the ceremony initiating the Rescue Diver Program, Shiyam said that this one of the most important projects for resolving the fishermen's difficulties that the president has been highly prioritizing.

The major purpose of this project is to ensure that fishing is done safely in order to guarantee the fishermen's safety. As tragic incidents while in the field has increased, in order to reduce such losses, Shiyam said the State has signed with six diving facilities to train rescue divers.

He added that the arrangement to station at least one diver on every fishing boat under this project displays the president's great interest in the industry.

Shiyam noted that the president had paid special interest to the country's fishing industry during his first state visit to China and said that agreements were signed regarding the progressions required within the industry alongside training and education for industry workers.

Many tragic incidents have occurred to fishermen while underwater with some being rescued in critical conditions. Speaking at the 42nd Fishermen's Day meeting, the President said that in order to reduce such incidents, it is vital to board fully trained drivers in every fishing boat.