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President of Badminton Association, Moosa, resigns

Moosa Nashid has resigned from his position as the President of Badminton Association of Maldives (BAM) months after the conclusion of his term.

Aishath Shuba Solih
18 July 2024, MVT 12:16
President of Badminton Association of Maldives (BAM), Moosa Nashid.
Aishath Shuba Solih
18 July 2024, MVT 12:16

Moosa Nashid has resigned from his position as the President of Badminton Association of Maldives (BAM).

This comes after the conclusion of his term at the association, as well as attempts to organize an election in February, before the end of the term to appoint the next leaders of the association. This election, however, was ordered to be suspended by the Commissioner of Sports, Mohamed Tholal, citing problems within the electoral scene.

An official of BAM shared with 'Mihaaru News' that Moosa had not notified the association of his decision to excuse himself from work, but had delivered a letter of notice to the Ministry of Sports, Fitness and Recreation.

The official further clarified that the resignation was submitted two days ago.

Moosa had submitted his application to compete in the elections that was to be held in Addu, vying for his fourth term at the association. After the postponement, Moosa had resolved to persist in his position, even three months after the end of the term.

Meanwhile, Moosa is also shrouded in corruption allegations, with claims made against him over using the associations interests to benefit his private business “Askani Sports”. The shuttlecock used in tournaments is bought from Askani Sports, which is the sole supplier of the particular product. Moosa also remains accused of renting personally-owned or affiliated premises for BAM's use.

However, the Badminton Association maintained that no action that will sow discord must be allowed to take place. Police had also proceeded a raid on Moosa's store, Askani and an office of BAM in response to the allegations.

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