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Islamic Ministry begins publishing Friday sermons in English

Mohamed Rehan
16 January 2023, MVT 17:38
Mufti Menk delivers a sermon during a Friday prayer; many gathered at Islamic Center to listen to the globally famous Mufti's preaching-- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
16 January 2023, MVT 17:38

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has begun publishing English translations of the sermons delivered during Friday prayers on its website.

This year's first two Friday sermons are now available to download on the ministry's website. The sermons will be available after every Friday prayer from now on, the ministry added.

The ministry said it began publishing sermons in English as part of its effort to spread religious information and foster love for Islam.

“We have several migrant workers residing in the Maldives, so we began publishing the sermons in English to provide religious information to them and enhance outreach,” the ministry said.

Even though the ministry has begun translating sermons into English, the sermons will still be delivered in the local tongue at the mosques.

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