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Car flips over in accident near Hulhumalé Central Park

A car was overturned in an accident in Hulhumalé Phase 1 near Central Park during the early hours of Wednesday.

Hanaan Hussain
24 April 2024, MVT 10:56
Hanaan Hussain
24 April 2024, MVT 10:56

A car was overturned in an accident in Hulhumalé Phase 1 near Central Park during the early hours of Wednesday. The accident occurred around 0530 hrs in the morning, a time when the roads are not too busy and the Central Park area is frequented by residents of Hulhumalé for their morning exercise. A woman who was in the backseat of the car sustained injuries and is being treated at Hulhumalé Hospital.

In a message shared with the press, Maldives Police Service (MPS) stated that the hospital had communicated an update on the woman's condition, and that she was not in a critical status.

MPS revealed they had received report of the accident at around 0535 hrs in the morning on Wednesday.

The person driving the car at the time of the accident has now had his license revoked, with the vehicle currently in the process of being towed.

However, details as to how exactly the accident occurred remain unclear.

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