Local Government Authority (LGA) has ordered all councils to cooperate with investigative authorities and to not take any measures to obstruct investigations.
Local Government Authority (LGA) has ordered all councils to cooperate with investigative authorities and to not take any measures to obstruct investigations.
In a statement issued today, LGA said that while councillors must abide by all laws, they are receiving complaints of some councillors refusing to cooperate with some investigative authorities.
LGA appealed to councils to refrain from obstructing the fulfillment of legal obligations of investigative authorities, and to comply with legal orders issued by any such authority.
LGA's statement has come in the wake of Anti Corruption Commission stating that the GDh Thinadhoo Council is refusing to cooperate in an investigation they are conducting.
When ACC went to the Thinadhoo Council Offices and seized some documents for investigative purposes, the Council submitted a case to the Police claiming that 'persons under the name of ACC' had entered the offices and 'stolen' a large amount of things.
ACC responded that although they were not receiving cooperation from the Thinadhoo Council, they had followed all legal procedures when seizing the said documents.
ACC has not yet released the investigative report concerning the Thinadhoo Council. However, Mihaaru News reports that the ACC is looking into six cases of alleged corruption, and had entered the council offices as they believed there existed a risk that evidence may be destroyed.
ACC conducts investigations at GDh Thinadhoo Council offices.-- Photo: Thinadhoo Council