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Prosecutor General's Office releases a newsletter for Victim Support services

The Prosecutor General's Office has launched a newsletter targeted towards Victim Support services.

Mariyath Mohamed
04 June 2024, MVT 19:08
At the launching ceremony of the newsletter.-- Photo: PG Office
Mariyath Mohamed
04 June 2024, MVT 19:08

The Prosecutor General's Office has launched a newsletter targeted towards Victim Support services.

PG Office said that the newsletter, titled 'Niyaavehi', is a publication meant for those working in the criminal justice system and juvenile justice system in the area of victim support.

They said that the newsletter would publish updates to the policies surrounding dealing with victims of various crimes, related rulings of the Courts, as well as the policies adopted by the PG Office.

The office said their aim is to improve victim support services to internationally accepted standards. Working towards this goal, the office believes it is important for relevant policies to be available widely.

The newsletter will be released monthly, and professionals working in the field are welcome to submit articles, the office said.

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