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Demolition completed on cafe' that caught fire

Gaamagu Cafe', where last week's fire incident occurred, has been demolished and the area reopened for public use after four days.

Mariyath Mohamed
15 September 2024, MVT 09:36
Mariyath Mohamed
15 September 2024, MVT 09:36

Gaamagu Cafe', where last week's fire incident occurred, has been demolished and the area reopened for public use after four days.

Ministry of Cities, Local Government and Public Works announced on social media X yesterday that demolition of H. Dhoohimerige, where the cafe' was located, has been completed.

The demolition work was carried out by staff of the ministry's Public Works Department.

The cafe' had caught fire on Monday afternoon. The cafe' was on the ground floor of a three storey structure, built with wooden decks and corrugated metal sheet walls. The upper floors had been used as accommodation blocks for expatriate workers. The fire damaged the building beyond use.

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