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HDC's crucial role in Hulhumalé's vitality and development

Today marks 20 years since Hulhumalé became inhabited. The manmade island has come a long way from its modest 10 flat residence and is now a vibrant city full of life - and HDC is a major contributor of this development.

12 May 2024, MVT 18:05
Hulhumalé Phase 1 -- Photo: HDC
12 May 2024, MVT 18:05

"[I] had to go to Malé everyday to fulfil essential needs while facing many difficulties, [be it] drenched in salt on the ferry during bad weather [or] soaked in sweat if it's sunny. Back then [I] didn't even think, couldn't even visualise that life in Hulhumalé could be easy," Moosa Adam, one of the first residents of Hulhumalé said while explaining the initial difficulties of life on the island.

Moosa, who is currently the Principal of Ghazi School, was also the principal of the first school established in Hulhumalé. He is among those who has experienced how the island has evolved over time.

Some of the first people who migrated to Hulhumalé with former President Maumoon Abdul Qayyoom -- Photo: HDC

Back when he packed his life and moved to Hulhumalé due to circumstances at the time, and accepting the difficulties that would come along with it, the island had only ten flats. There were two shops to go for essentials and a hospital with limited facilities. The island had exactly one taxi and no bus services.

According to Moosa, even the sick were transported to Malé via ferry under difficult conditions. Every aspect of the place echoed challenges and difficulties. Even though the island eventually developed and more flats and land plots converted to beautiful homes, it was difficult for Moosa to envision it as a big city, because of all the issues that still remained.

The first residential buildings in Hulhumalé -- Photo: HDC

However, the scene is different today. With the bridge linking Malé and Hulhumalé together, there are now few services and goods that are not available. It is now abundant in parks to relax at, courts and fields for sports, entertainment centres and cafés offering various cuisines.

It has now become the destination where people go to leave behind the stress of Malé and find a peaceful life. Hulhumalé has now been further developed into a second phase, opening doors for thousands to find a comfortable life. The plots that once didn't even sell at below market rates have now caught up in price as that of Malé. What started from public housing units have now transformed into luxury projects and which has paved way and opened doors for a rich life.

Aerial view of Hulhumalé -- Photo: HDC

Education which started from just one school has now expanded into multiple government private schools, and a wide network of bus and taxi services are also now available.

Today, the biggest credit for all the development and success of Hulhumalé goes to Housing Development Corporation (HDC), an organisation established by the Maldivian government to oversee and manage the development of the island.

The corporation started off with a mere 30 employees and now stands 3,000 employees strong in ensuring that Hulhumalé remains a peaceful and comfortable place to live in as thousands migrate there.

According to HDC's Manager Mohamed Shaif, HDC always prioritises the peace and comfort that Hulhumalé can offer when formulating its land use plan. He also highlighted the efforts that go into making the island attractive for investors through commercial plans.

Hulhumalé Phase 2 -- Photo: HDC

"The commercial progress seen today took a lot of effort from HDC. HDC even participated in various international forums, commenced work here and did a lot of work to bring investors here," he said.

Contrary to previous years, Hulhumalé is now a favourable environment for local tourism as well. The Hulhumalé which was once only visited by locals on the weekends now has full guest houses throughout the week. With an influx of tourists who visit the island, it is HDC's responsibility to ensure that the facilities and assistance required by visitors are easily accessible to them.

As development of the island accelerates, HDC is also working to ensure that it remains a place of the people. The corporation's Assistant Director Hassan Shaheed said that the HDC team always makes a point of prioritising public opinion when bringing changes to Hulhumalé.

"Work in Hulhumalé Phase 2 is also carried out with public opinion. Even the development of a park between two flats is carried out based on what the people want. [We] want everyone to have the opportunity of building this place as their own," he said.

Apart from its robust infrastructure, Hulhumalé also has a strong and close knit community - one that HDC plays a major role in. The corporation regularly organises various events and activities on the island which can be deemed as the "life" of Malé City, and also assists in events such as music shows, fairs and festivals organised by others.

Today, as Hulhumalé celebrates its 20th anniversary, it has come a long way from where it started. Its development is a reality many thought would remain a colourful dream - but HDC's collaborative efforts with various government administrations is now here for everyone to bear witness.

Note: This is an advertorial by HDC.

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