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Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed seeks Ungoofaaru seat

Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 January 2019, MVT 15:51
Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed. PHOTO/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 January 2019, MVT 15:51

Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed announced his intention to contest for the constituency of Ungoofaaru in the upcoming parliamentary election.

Local media Mihaaru reported that Ilham has applied for Jumhooree Party's electoral ticket for Ungoofaaru Constituency.

Ilham's first parliament seat was for his home constituency of Gemanafushi. He served as Dhangethi MP for the past five years.

Currently, the lawmaker of Ungoofaaru Constituency is Jaufar Dawood of opposition Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

Speaking to Mihaaru late Thursday, Ilham expressed confidence that he would win JP's ticket​ and declared himself a patriot devoted to serving the nation and people.

"I'd declared my intention to run for Ungoofaaru Constituency even when I was elected for Dhangethi. Hence, I'm keeping my word," he said.

He stated that he had served Dhangethi well, adding that the previous administration had carried out big development projects for the constituency.

The former chief of Football Association of Maldives, Ilham had served eight months in jail during the previous government over allegedly working to topple then President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

He had formerly served as the deputy leader of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), PPM and JP. He is currently the ​advisor to Qasim Ibrahim, the leader of JP and Speaker of Parliament.