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UAE firm to establish water facilities in 32 islands

Fathmath Shaahunaz
20 September 2018, MVT 19:52
Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and Water Engineering Services FZE's Director Mohamed Abdul Karim Mohamed Al Dhashti sign agreement to establish water facilities in 32 islands across Maldives. PHOTO/ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY
Fathmath Shaahunaz
20 September 2018, MVT 19:52

Ministry of Environment and Energy has contracted a firm of the United Arab Emirates to establish drinking water facilities in 32 islands.

The project, which is estimated to cost over MVR 133 million, was awarded to Dubai-based Water Engineering Services FZE.

The agreement was signed by Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim, and Water Engineering Services FZE's Director Mohamed Abdul Karim Mohamed Al Dhashti, in a special ceremony held Wednesday.

Under the project, free aid amounting to MVR 104 million from the Green Climate Fund will bear the expenses of establishing drinking water facilities at 25 islands, to be completed within a period of 10 months.

These islands include Himandhoo, Bodufolhudhoo and Mathiveri in Alif Alif Atoll, Kunburudhoo and Dhigurah in Alif Dhaal Atoll, Bandidhoo, Meedhoo and Hulhudheli in Dhaal Atoll, Vandhoo, Gaadhiffushi, Omadhoo, Kandoodhoo, Kinbidhoo and Dhiyamigili in Thaa Atoll, Raiymandhoo, Veyvah and Naalaafushi in Meemu Atoll, Nilandhoo, Maamendhoo and Kondey in Gaafu Alif Atoll, and Nadella, Hoadedhdhoo, Fiyori, Rathafandhoo and Faresmaathodaa in Gaafu Dhaal Atoll.

The facilities at these islands include rainwater storage tanks, water filtration and disinfection units, and storage facilities for the drinking water produced via these units.

Meanwhile, the MVR 28 million for the establishment of water facilities at the remaining seven islands will be financed by the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and Maldivian government.

These islands are Kumundhoo, Vaikaradhoo, Nolhivaram and Makunudhoo in Haa Dhaal Atoll, Holhudhoo in Noonu Atoll, and Inguraidhoo and Maakurathu in Raa Atoll.

The facilities at these seven islands include desalination plants, water storage tanks and other related facilities.