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MMA introduces currency sign of Rufiyaa

Mohamed Rehan
03 July 2022, MVT 20:26
Launching ceremony of the official currency sign of Maldivian Rufiyaa-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
03 July 2022, MVT 20:26

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) officially introduces the new currency sign for Maldivian Rufiyaa. The sign is the Dhivehi "Thaana" letter "Raa" with an additional horizontal stroke.

The new currency symbol of Rufiyaa was officially launched by Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology Aminath Shauna during a special ceremony held at MMA headquarters on Sunday, July 3.

The symbol designed by Hassan Shujau was selected from 70 designs submitted for a design competition announced in 2021 by the authority to designate a currency symbol for the Maldivian Dhiveh Rufiyaa.

A special judges' panel had curated and evaluated through all the proposed designs before selecting Shujau's minimalistic approach as the official sign to reflect the Maldivian Rufiyaa (MVR).

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Minister Shauna claimed that the utilization of a Dhivehi letter as the symbol to represent the Maldivian currency is an honor for all.

The minister suggested to ramp up the digitalization efforts of the currency and bring the symbol onto digital platforms quickly.

Roughly 50 global nations have their own official currency sign. The introduction of a currency sign in the Maldives means that the island nation will now be listed among these countries as well.

Maldives Governor Ali Hashim assured of central bank's efforts to ensure public familiarization of the currency symbol and encourage utilization of it in documents. He also affirmed central bank's efforts to acquire a "Unicode Standard" for the symbol.

The new currency sign is expected to appear on money printed in the future.

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