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Hassan Shiyam backs MDP's Jaleel after candidacy cancellation

Hassan Shiyam (VB Shiyam) has decided to back Ibrahim Ali Jaleel (Ibu Jaleel) in the parliamentary elections scheduled for April 21 following Supreme Court's decision to cancel Hassan' candidacy.

Malika Shahid
29 March 2024, MVT 13:33
VB Hassan with MDP Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail and other members of the party -- Photo: MDP
Malika Shahid
29 March 2024, MVT 13:33

Hassan Shiyam (VB Shiyam) has decided to back Ibrahim Ali Jaleel (Ibu Jaleel) in his campaign for the Central Henveiru constituency on the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) ticket, following the Supreme Court's decision to cancel his candidacy for the upcoming parliamentary election.

Hassan announced his decision to support Ali Jaleel after MDP chairperson and former Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail met with party leaders in the area after he was summoned to the police station on Thursday afternoon.

After taking pictures with Ali Jaleel and Fayyaz, Hassan announced his decision to support the MDP candidate.

While a three judge bench of the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Elections Commission's decision to accept Hassan's candidacy is invalid, he had been campaigning extensively for the parliamentary elections scheduled for April 21.

Hassan was one of the first candidates to launch his campaign for the parliamentary elections. Initially, he contested the primaries of the Progressive Party of Maldives and People's National Congress (PPM/PNC). However, after his candidacy was revoked by the party, he subsequently decided to run as an Independent candidate.

The case to cancel Hassan's candidacy was submitted to the Supreme Court by Ilyas Ahmed of Henveiru Queen, who is the brother of Ali Azim, the current MP for the same constituency.

Article 73 (c) of the Constitution states that a candidate will be disqualified from election as a member or parliament if they have a decreed debt which is not being paid as provided in the judgement.

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