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Shahubaan resigns as president of MMC

Malika Shahid
08 June 2022, MVT 11:48
Shahubaan Fahmy speaking during a protest against violence against journalists -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
08 June 2022, MVT 11:48

Shahubaan Fahmy resigns from his post as president of Maldives Media Council (MMC).

Shahubaan told "Mihaaru" that he resigned from his post due to damages on his honor and the inability to carry out the council. Shahubaan said he had nothing to do with the money laundering charges against him.

As he resigned as head of the press regulation council, a no-confidence vote was taken last night to dismiss him. The voting had come in favor of Shahubaan.

Shahubaan will remain as a member of the council even if he leaves his position as president of the council.

"I resigned due to a group seeking presidency, lack of an environment where council meetings can be held and not being able to carry out the work of the journalists' awards. It is not a reason to resign if there are charges raised against him" Shahubaan said.

Shahubaan is among the shareholders of King's Forex Trading, which has been accused of laundering a large amount of money through an illegal investment scheme. The company is owned by his brother, former MP of Feydhoo, Alhan Fahmy.

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