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Indian Prime Minister Modi extends Eid Greetings to President Dr Muizzu

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has extended Fitr Eid greetings to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu and the people of Maldives.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 April 2024, MVT 12:16
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu with Indian Prime Minister Naredra Modi at the COP28 in Dubai, UAE-- Photo: President's Office
Mariyath Mohamed
11 April 2024, MVT 12:16

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has extended Fitr Eid greetings to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, the Government and the people of Maldives.

In his greetings, Prime Minister Modi also highlighted the cultural and civilizational ties that historically bond Maldives and India.

"Prime Minister further conveyed that as we celebrate Eid al Fitr with traditional fervour, people across the world are reminded of the values of compassion, brotherhood and togetherness, which are essential in building a peaceful and inclusive world that we all aspire for," the statement released by the High Commission of India in Maldives reads.

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