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Maldivians advised caution as dangerous disease spreads in Kerala

In a statement released yesterday, they stated that Kerala's health ministries have warned that Brain Eating Amoeba Infection is spreading in Kerala.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 July 2024, MVT 09:57
Trivandrum, India.
Mariyath Mohamed
13 July 2024, MVT 09:57

Maldives Consulate General has advised caution by Maldivians as a deadly disease spreads in Kerala, India.

In a statement released yesterday, they stated that Kerala's health ministries have warned that Brain Eating Amoeba Infection is spreading in Kerala.

Symptoms of Brain Eating Amoeba Infection include headaches, fever, nausea and vomiting, stiffness in neck, confusion and seizures. The Consulate General advices seeking prompt medical assistance should any of these symptoms be observed.

Swimming in lakes and other freshwater water bodies is strongly discouraged during this period as this disease is caused by taking in infected water through nose or ears, through which the amoeba reaches the brain. Swimming pools may also be infected, and so the Consular General advises using ear buds or nose clips to prevent intake of water if swimming in pools.

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