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Launch service linking hospitals initiated

05 September 2023, MVT 14:50
The Minister aboard one of the launches that will be used in the Maldives Health Line -- Photo: Nishan Ali
05 September 2023, MVT 14:50

The "Maldives Health Line" was launched on Sunday, September 4, with the aim of connecting healthcare services across the Maldives.

The ministry of health announced that with the introduction of the Maldives Health Line, individuals can now consult with specialists, undergo laboratory tests, and access outreach services while remaining on their respective islands.

High speed launches were gifted to Atoll Hospitals to establish this service. The speedboats will be operated by the hospitals and will be used to conduct outreach programs in nearby islands and transport laboratory samples.

The speedboats were officially handed over to hospitals during a ceremony held at Republic Square. Initially, the service commenced with eight speedboats. According to the ministry, they plan to expand the service with an additional 20 speedboats deployed by November. This expansion will make the service accessible across the entire country, spanning from Haa Alif Atoll Hospital in the north to Addu Equatorial Hospital in the south.

Health minister Ahmed Naseem said the initiative will assure specialist doctors' services for islands and that the speedboats used in the service will be equipped to transport patients if necessary.

Handover of Launches to be used in the Maldives Health Line. Photo: Nishan Ali

"The aim is to reduce the need for travel to access healthcare services and to bring healthcare services closer to the people," said minister Naseem.

The minister also said that the Maldives Health Line will soon incorporate drone technology for mobile laboratory services. This innovation will allow islands without laboratories and those with smaller facilities to send samples to Atoll Hospitals through drone services.

The Minister inspecting the drone to be used by the Maldives Health Line -- Photo: Nishan Ali

Minister Naseem said that arrangements have now been made with the Civil Aviation Authority and other relevant authorities to start drone services for the health sector.

"Commencement of this service will lighten the burden on the people while minimizing expenses of the state. We are aiming to use modern technology to revolutionize the health system," said minister Naseem.

According to the minister, the current government has already revolutionised healthcare services by introducing services that were previously unavailable in various regions of the Maldives.

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