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Parliament approves Naseem's appointment as health minister

Mariyam Malsa
23 November 2020, MVT 16:17
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih presents the letter of appointment to Health Minister Ahmed Naseem
Mariyam Malsa
23 November 2020, MVT 16:17

The parliament, on Monday, approved the appointment of Ahmed Naseem as the Minister of Health.

The 66 parliamentarians that participated in the vote unanimously decided to approve Naseem's ministerial slot.

Speaking ahead of the votem MDP parliamentary group leader and Henveiru Central MP Ali Azim highlighted Naseem's contributions to the tourism industry in addition to extensive experience in the health sector. Azim went on to express confidence that Naseem would prove to be a competent minister in managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih appointed Naseem as the health minister on October 22.

Prior to his appointment following the sudden resignation of former Minister of Health Abdulla Ameen, Naseem was a Minister at the President's Office.

Starting from 1966, Naseem served in senior capacities during the administration of three presidents, namely Ibrahim Nasir, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed. Notably, he was the foreign minister from March 2011 to February 2012 and a close aide to Nasheed during his tenure.

Throughout the presidency of Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, Naseem chose to reside in Sri Lanka. During the period, he worked against Yameen's rule at several international forums, and only returned to Maldives after President Solih was elected on September 23, 2018.

Former health minister Ameen tendered his resignation on October 21, after coming under heavy fire over the unlawful procurement of ventilators for the Maldives' COVID-19 response.