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Curry pastes being tested after toxic chemical was detected in some

MFDA has procured samples from two brands of curry powder obtained from India which were identified to contain a toxic chemical element in addition to other brands of curry paste. A country nor a date for when these samples will be sent for testing is unclear.

Aishath Shuba Solih
01 May 2024, MVT 09:41
Curry powder of the MDH brand and Curry Paste of the Everest brand identified to contain a chemical.
Aishath Shuba Solih
01 May 2024, MVT 09:41

After a chemical element was identified in two brands of curry powder imported from India, samples of the most frequently used curry paste in Maldives are being extracted to be tested.

An official of the Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) revealed that the brands 'Everest' and 'MDH' which were identified to carry the problem will be tested in addition to other brands of curry paste. However, a country that the samples will be delivered to for testing remains undecided thus far.

Alerts issued by Singapore Food Agency and Hong Kong's Center for Food Safety (CFS) had affirmed that the toxic chemical, ethylene oxide was identified from these two brand of curry paste. Addressing this, Maldives had also banned the import of curry paste from these two brands last Saturday.

Citing statistic of the Customs, an official of the agency stated that a large number of curry powder products of the brands Everest and MDH are inside the country and revealed that they were imported into Maldives in a rapid and rushed manner. Moreover, he assured that efforts to notify resorts on this matter is also undergoing due to the resorts having been supplied these products in bulk quantities.

Although work to procure samples from the curry paste have ensued, a date for when the samples will be sent remains unclear. MFDA stated that if another country releases an alert regarding the matter before the results of the samples obtained from Maldives are received, they will act accordingly with the alert.

Ethylene oxide also carries the risk of causing cancer. MFDA asserted that using these chemical packed products for preparing food is not condoned due to the possible negative side-effects it may pose.

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