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Israel shreds UN Charter over UNGA decision on Palestine, accuses them of "welcoming evil into their ranks"

Israel reacted angrily against the UNGA's decision to grant new rights and privileges to Palestine and calling on the Security Council to reconsider its application for membership, accusing the body of "welcoming evil into its ranks".

Mariyath Mohamed
11 May 2024, MVT 12:07
Vote being taken on the resolution at UNGA yesterday.-- Photo: AFP
Mariyath Mohamed
11 May 2024, MVT 12:07

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has passed a resolution co-sponsored by Maldives to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and called on the Security Council to favorably reconsider its request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

Israel, meanwhile, reacted angrily against the UNGA's decision, accusing the body of "welcoming evil into its ranks" and "opening its doors to terror supporters".

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan spoke before the UNGA took the vote on the resolution asking the Security Council to make Palestine into a full member.

"In the 1940s, the world united to destroy a murderous regime. Yet today, with sick and twisted irony, the very body established to prevent evil is now welcoming evil into its ranks," Erdan declared, referring to the holocaust, World War 2 and the October 7 attack.

He went on to say that this move could lead to representatives of not only Hamas, but Boko Haram and ISIS sitting in the UN, referring to two major terrorist organizations.

Although he made mention of October 7, the ensuing genocide being committed by Israel was dismissed as "defending [them]selves", with the Ambassador saying the Palestinian representatives were "shedding crocodile tears" at the UN podium.

Ending his speech, Erdan held up a portable shredder and proceeded to shred the UN Charter. He declared that it is a 'mirror' showing what the UNGA was doing yesterday by proceeding with the vote.

.Before Erdan, Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour had also delivered remarks. He highlighted the ever increasing death toll in Gaza in the continuing attacks from Israel.

Mansour called on the assembly to vote in favour of the resolution and commended the ongoing student protests.

He went on to express his fears of an imminent invasion of Rafah by Israel, adding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was willing to "kill thousands more for his political survival".

When the vote was taken, it was passed overwhelmingly with 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against, and 25 abstentions.

The resolution outlines that Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations and recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favorably. Palestine has been a non-voting observer to the UN since 2012.

The draft resolution will give the Palestine some additional rights and privileges like a seat among the UN members, but it will not be granted a vote in the body.

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