Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) on Sunday, announced the completion of a new channel in the Maibaadhoo harbour in Laamu Atoll.
Under this project, MTCC undertook 17,503 cbm of dredging operations to create the new channel, subsequently closing the previously used channel.
We have successfully completed work on the construction of L. Maabaidhoo Harbour New Channel project on 18th August 2020. Under this project, dredging operations of 17,503 cbm were undertaken to create a new harbour channel. Additionally, the existing harbour channel was closed.
— MTCC Plc (@MTCCPlc) August 23, 2020
Overall, the project consisted of dredging and excavation work, and establishment of a 253-metre long breakwater, a 19-metre submerged breakwater, and 20-metre revetment.
Moreover, MTCC constructed a small bridge in addition to installing harbour lights.
The project was contracted by the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on August 4, 2019 for a sum of MVR 22.4 million. It was mobilized on January 16.