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Hanimadhoo Airport runway extension being considered

Highlighting that the present runway at Hanimaadhoo does not allow for feasible operations and benefits, the president has assured to deliberate with the project creditors to ensure the runway and capacity of the airport is expanded.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 February 2024, MVT 16:42
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu addressing the people of HDh. Hanimaadhoo -- Photo: President's Office
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 February 2024, MVT 16:42

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu asserted the importance of extending the runway at Haa Dhaalu atoll Hanimaadhoo that began operation last month, assuring that efforts will be made to ensure that this arrangement is facilitated in deliberation with the loan creditor of the project.

At a meeting held at Hanimaadhoo during his trip across the northern atolls in the country, he remarked that although the former government had made significant investments for the development of the island’s airport, the actual work being done is at a much smaller scale than the investment amount could accommodate.

The residential community of HDh. Hanimadhoo extending a welcome to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu upon his arrival -- Photo: President's Office

In order to transform the Hanimaadhoo Airport project into a feasible and profitable development, the current administration had stated that a total of 8,000 tourist beds are required in the area, which amounts to a USD 2.4 million investment.

President Muizzu shared that establishing 8,000 tourist beds from a 2.4-kilometer runway as well as instituting additional industrial works and businesses in the area will be challenging.

During President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's address to the residential community of HDh. Hanimaadhoo -- Photo: President's Office

He asserted that the capacity of the airport must be extended and the length of the airport runway increased.

“I want to bring forth a suitable solution for this through deliberations with the creditor who arranged the loan for this [project]. Meaning, working to extend the runway and affixing an additional 700 meters to the airport,” proposed the president.

The residential community of HDh. Hanimadhoo extending a welcome to President Dr Mohamed Muizzu upon his arrival -- Photo: President's Office

The airport at Hanimaadhoo began operation after concluding half of the runway construction last month. Distributed to three categories for construction, this runway extends to a length of 2,460 meters. Half of that has now been completed, to a length of 1,200 meters.

The creditor for this project, India’s Exim Bank had facilitated a USD 136 million loan from the bank. Following the full completion of this airport that is being constructed to accommodate 1.3 million annual passengers, the Airbus A320 as well as the Boeing 737 aircraft can also be landed on its runway.