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Naeema's murder: Some evidence to be classified

Criminal Court has today ordered that some of the evidence in the murder case of Naeema Moosa of Noonu atoll Manadhoo be considered classified.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 June 2024, MVT 14:44
Mariyath Mohamed
27 June 2024, MVT 14:44

Criminal Court has today ordered that some of the evidence in the murder case of Naeema Moosa of Noonu atoll Manadhoo be considered classified.

In Naeema's murder case, the State has charged three individuals from Manadhoo. The accused are Ahzam AbduShukoor, 23, of Fehivilaage, Abdul Wahid Rifaas, 20, of Finifenmaage, and Hassan Favaz, 21, of Vinares.

The three are charged with committing murder with a sharp object, obstructing justice and abuse of a dead body.

In today's hearing, the State asked the Court to rule some of the evidence as secret. The State cited as a reason that this evidence includes information about secret witnesses, and that disclosure of the identity of these witnesses may pose a danger to their safety.

The State also said that photos and videos showing the murder victim as she was found are also unsuitable for public consumption, and requested that they only be viewed in the courtroom.

Judge Ali Adam decided to grant the State's requests, and announced that some evidence will be classified, while others will only be available for viewing inside the Court.

Lawyers of all three defendants, when given the chance to respond to the charges, requested that they be allowed time to review the documents first, which the Court granted.

As one of the accused, Favaz, has been advised specific treatments by doctors, his lawyer said it is important to get details of these treatments before he builds the defence case. He called on the State to expedite the required treatments for Favaz.

The State responded that the medical treatment is being provided even at present. However, they maintained that the trial cannot be delayed based on health reasons.

The Judge also stated that the trial cannot be postponed based on health reasons, unless on the advice of a doctor.

Naeema's body was found in her home with injuries to the neck and various parts of the body two days after she was last seen, following concerns from people who reported her missing.

Police have earlier said that although the motive for Naeema Moosa's murder is the perpetrators' suspicion that she practiced black magic, authorities have found no evidence that Naeema engaged in any such activities.

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