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Maldives Jet Ski Tour 2021 participants awarded

19 November 2022, MVT 15:18
JetSki tour 2021
19 November 2022, MVT 15:18

Participants in the Maldives Jet Ski Tour 2021, which was held last year in honor of World Tourism Day, has received the "Gold Coin.". Nine people, including three reserves, undertook the journey on Jet Skis that covered the distance from north to south of Maldives.

The award was handed over by the Minister of Tourism Dr Abdulla Mausoom. Maldives Water Sports At Hulhumalé who organized the event in collaboration with Addu City Council said that one island from each atoll was visited.

The expedition began in Haa Alif Atoll Thuraakunu, and the councils of each island that was visited inscribed the plaque to commemorate the occasion. Sand from each native island was also gifted.

It was the first time an event of this kind was held in the Maldives to mark World Tourism Day, and the journey lasted ten days.

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