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Mihaaru News: Marking eight years of dedicated service

The Edition extends warm congratulations as Mihaaru News marks its 8th Anniversary today.

24 May 2024, MVT 18:02
The first 'Mihaaru News' paper printed on 24 May 2016; Mihaaru News is celebrating its eight anniversary this year The first 'Mihaaru News' paper printed on 24 May 2016; Mihaaru News is celebrating its eight anniversary this year
The first 'Mihaaru News' paper printed on 24 May 2016; Mihaaru News is celebrating its eight anniversary this year
24 May 2024, MVT 18:02

Established on May 24, 2017, Mihaaru News marks its eighth anniversary today.

Journalism, first and foremost, has an obligation towards truth, and the public.

Over the last 8 years, Mihaaru has consistently stayed true to these core factors of journalism through its presentation of timely and accurate facts in the form of news updates, reports, features and other medium.

In the most recent year alone, Mihaaru led the reporting on the major events that took place in the Maldives: such as live reports of events as they unfolded, simultaneously with a dedicated results page during both the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections that took place over the recent months.

In its dedication to keeping the public informed and hold policymakers accountable, Mihaaru News drives positive change and fosters a culture of transparency and accountability.

During a challenging period of time for the media landscape of Maldives, Mihaaru News came into existence following legal battles and dissolution of the longest running daily print newspaper ‘Haveeru Daily’ which operated continuously for 37 years. Since then, Mihaaru News has risen to become the most widely read news outlet across the country.

Over the years, the newspaper has been recognized with numerous accolades at Journalism Awards. Mihaaru journalists have time and again been conferred ‘Best Reporter/Journalist’ awards in their respective categories.

Mihaaru News extends gratitude towards its readers for the unwavering support shown over the past years as it marks its 8th Anniversary.

As Mihaaru News celebrates its eighth anniversary, The Edition extends warm congratulations to the editors, journalists, and the committed team behind Mihaaru News that makes their work possible.

As The Edition continues to grow, we are proud to be a part of and contribute towards the shared mission of advancing journalistic excellence and serving our readers with integrity and passion.

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