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STO appoints Amir Mansoor as Chairman

Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 09:55
Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 09:55

State Trading Organization (STO) has appointed prominent Maldivian entrepreneur Amir Mansoor as the new Chairman.

Amir is the Managing Director of Lily F&B. In addition to Amir's appointment as the Chairman, STO has also appointed Mohamed Murad as the new board member of the company.

Besides the chairman, STO's board is comprised of six more directors.

Last week, the company appointed Shimad Ibrahim as the STO's new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Chairpersons of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are appointed by the Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB), which follows after the President submits names for the positions.

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STO Amir Mansoor
