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MIFCO signs with FSM to supply fuel for fishing vessels

Mohamed Rehan
05 January 2023, MVT 09:13
FSM has signed with MIFCO to supply fuel for fishing vessels from MIFCO's sites-- Photo: MIFCO
Mohamed Rehan
05 January 2023, MVT 09:13

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has partnered with Fuel Supplies Maldives (FSM) to supply fuel to local fishing vessels.

MIFCO Chief Executive Officer Ismail Fauzee signed on behalf of the fisheries corporation while FSM Managing Director Mohamed Gasam signed on behalf of the fuel supplier.

FSM will facilitate refuelling services at both Koodoo and Addu Fisheries complexes.

Additionally, FSM is expected to commence fuel supply services in Felifaru Fisheries complex on February 3.

In November 2022, FSM began selling diesel from Hulhumalé at the standard rate as MIFCO for local fishing vessels.

This partnership brings an end to several grievances over the non-availability of fuel from MIFCO sites earlier.