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New fire station opens at Velana International Airport (VIA)

The fire station, a 2,230 square foot space, includes a dedicated control room to monitor emergencies, as well as other support facilities like a training area, changing rooms, and washrooms.

Malika Shahid
28 June 2024, MVT 19:15
The new fire station opened at Velana International Airport
Malika Shahid
28 June 2024, MVT 19:15

A new fire station has been opened at Velana International Airport (VIA), inaugurated by Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef and Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) Managing Director and CEO Ibrahim Shareef.

The fire station, a 2,230 square foot space, includes a dedicated control room to monitor emergencies, as well as other support facilities like a training area, changing rooms, and washrooms.

A dedicated area for firefighting vehicles has been established at the new fire station. The facility includes two major fire tenders, one command vehicle, and two marine vessels. Additionally, a water tank has been installed for easy refilling of the vehicles.

The new fire station opened at Velana International Airport

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the new fire station at VIA, MACL Managing Director Ibrahim Shareef said that the facility will enable firefighters to respond to fires within three minutes.

"Ensuring the safety of the airport is our priority. We will prioritize the training of the fire and rescue team at the facility," he said.

MACL said the facility was opened with state-of-the-art technology and plans for further development. They mentioned working with various agencies to prepare VIA for emergencies.