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High public dissatisfaction among health services: UNDP, HRCM

Mariyam Malsa
13 December 2020, MVT 22:25
Mariyam Malsa
13 December 2020, MVT 22:25

The findings of the third 'Rights' Side of Life Survey revealed that 63.6 percent of responders are dissatisfied with the overall health services in Maldives.

The finding was recorded in the survey conducted by the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Launched to coincide with Human Rights Day, the 'Rights' Side of Life is intended to provide an overview on public attitudes, awareness and perceptions of a range of human rights issues in Maldives.

The third iteration of the survey, which was completed with the participation of the Family Protection Authority (FPA) in 2019, also highlighted the awareness, perceptions and prevalence of domestic violence across the country.

In addition to data collection regarding the aforementioned areas, the survey also serves to offer insights on the additional work necessary to address issues.

"We hope that the findings of this survey will contribute to strengthen the efforts in protecting and promoting human rights in the Maldives. In this regard we will reflect on this survey in formulating our strategies and plans to deliver our constitutional mandate and overcome the challenges faced in protecting human rights", stated Human Rights Commissioner Shifaath Razzaq.

"In addition, we plan to build upon the findings of the survey to enhance the roles and functions of the commission and to regain the public confidence in the institution. It is our sincere hope that this survey will be beneficial for all state institutions mandated to ensure the provision of human rights and other human rights actors promoting and protecting human rights".

According to the survey report, human rights concerns that have magnified over the years, with support for gender equality and women’s rights decreasing. The number of women who did not respond to questions on equal rights in the family unit and child custody matters also increased.

Additionally, there is growing concern regarding child sexual abuse, an issue that was consistently highlighted in three iterations of the survey which were conducted thus far.

The report also revealed the necessity of greater transparency and accountability on the part of state institutions, as well as more awareness of human rights across the country.

Key findings of the survey report

- Public awareness of HRCM increased to 84.8 percent in 2019 compared to 40.8 percent in 2005

- Only 36.5 percent of respondents were able to name five human rights, representing a decline from 45.1 percent in 2011

- The leading factors undermining the success of the democratic process were considered corruption, at 21 percent, and lack of trust between political parties with 20 percent

- Worrying responses from a considerable number of people who believed that gender equality and child rights were not compatible with Islam. Most of these respondents were women

- The number of men that agreed that others outside the family should intervene if a husband mistreats his wife increased from 48.2 percent in 2005 to 59.1 percent in 2019

- 93.6 percent of respondents agreed that child sexual abuse of girls was a serious issue, while 91.7 percent of respondents stated that child sexual abuse of boys was a serious issue

- 40.9 percent of respondents reported being dissatisfied with the protection and services provided for persons with disabilities

- 23 percent of respondents stated that the most important factor in ensuring the rights of the elderly was preventing the neglect of senior citizens

- 63.6 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with overall health services, with individuals from outer islands reporting a higher level of dissatisfaction at 62.3 percent

- 56.3 percent of respondents reported being dissatisfied with the judiciary, with 39.2 percent citing corruption as the reason for the loss of judicial confidence

- 46 percent of respondents believed that the government was taking adequate measures to improve housing

- 59.0 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the allocations of resources between administrative atolls and islands.

- The number of people working for more than 12 hours decreased to 7.9 percent in 2019 compared to 20.0 percent in 2005

- While 11.0 percent of respondents reported earning a salary above MVR 15,000, the same figure for men was 17.6 percent

- 80 percent of respondents stated that they knew where to lodge complaints regarding domestic violence.

- Most women responded that their husbands were the perpetrators of domestic violence, while most men reported having suffered abuse from previous partners

The survey findings are intended to inform policy-making efforts in order to strengthen systems that promote human rights and prevent domestic violence in Maldives, as well as identify areas for additional research.

"It is crucial that we all do our part to protect and promote core fundamental rights such as the right to life and to bodily integrity that is entitled to all human beings", asserted FPA's Chief Executive Officer Aminath Leena Ali.

UNDP Resident Representative Akiko Fujii stated noted that "the nation’s efforts to promote and protect human rights while working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals continue to be challenged by the fragility of the social and political fabric of the country".

"In the face of these challenges, the third Right Side of Life survey provides valuable data in initiating discussions and dialogues around human rights, state obligations and citizen responsibilities".

HRCM has carried out three comprehensive human rights surveys in Maldives so far.

"The 'Rights' Side of Life: A Baseline Human Rights Survey" was initially conducted in 2005 in collaboration with UNDP. The second survey, titled "Six years on The 'Rights' Side of Life", was carried out in 2011.