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Vice Chairman of FAM Electoral Committee resigns

Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 09:10
Fam medhu safuhaa / sports arena
Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 09:10

VIce Chairman of Football Association of Maldives (FAM) Ahmeem Abdul Razzaq has resigned from his position.

As reported in Mihaaru News, Ahmeem sent in his resignation letter last Friday addressed to FAM Acting General Secretary Jaushan Shareef.

Also on Friday, FAM electoral candidate Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) filed an appeal against the cancellation of his candidacy. Duration for ruling on the appeal expired at 4pm yesterday, with no resolution having been come to.

Thoriq has also lodged complaints with FIFA and AFC claiming that the association does not have a legitimate electoral committee at the moment.

As per FAM's electoral code, committee members must not be elected for two consecutive terms. However, during FAM's last congress, the existing electoral committee had elected for an additional term.

Ahmeem and committee member Abdulla Ali were elected for a second term. Committee Chairman Abdulla Ali was elected for the third consecutive term.

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