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More rough weather forecasted for tonight

Maldives Meteorological Services (MET) has forecasted more rough weather, rain and thundering tonight for a large region of the country.

Ameera Osmanagic
21 December 2024, MVT 20:19
Malé roads flooded after last night's rain -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru Malé roads flooded after last night's rain -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Malé roads flooded after last night's rain -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
21 December 2024, MVT 20:19

Maldives Meteorological Services (MET) has forecasted more rough weather, rain and thundering tonight for a large region of the country.

MET forecasts winds in the north to reach between seven to 17 miles per hour, winds in the rest of the country slightly stronger at 15 to 25 miles per hour. Gust winds are expected at 45 miles per hour.

Seas in northern regions are forecasted to be generally rough, while other areas are expected to experience even rougher conditions, intensifying further during gusty periods.

Waves up north are expected to measure between three to six feet while other areas may experience waves between five to seven feet.

"We urge everyone to be very cautious of the weather. Storm surges are likely in the central and southern atolls during high tide," MET Office said.

The majority of the country faced rough weather conditions last night as well, with continuous rainfall causing flooding in Malé resulting in some houses needing to be temporarily evacuated.

According to MET, Malé recorded 136.5 millimetres of water yesterday.

Generally northern atolls experience the most rough weather during this period, MET data also shows.

According to the agency, this weather pattern is the result of the transition from Southwest the Northeast monsoon, and the rough weather is expected to last until Monday.

Northwest monsoon often starts around January in the Maldives.

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