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Ex-Defence Minister Nazim to Jumhooree Party

Ahmed Aiham
12 November 2018, MVT 11:01
Former Minister of Defence and Security embracing his brother during his arrival in Velana International Airport (VIA). PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH/MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
12 November 2018, MVT 11:01

Former Minister of Defence and National Security, Mohamed Nazim intends to sign with Jumhooree Party of the opposition coalition, to continue his political journey.

Nazim stated his intentions at a press meeting at Velana International Airport (VIA), shortly after his arrival from seeking medical treatment abroad on Sunday.

During Nazim's medical visit to Malaysia, the Supreme Court had ordered a stay order on enforcing the sentence of the former minister.

Nazim was received at the airport by Jumhooree Party (JP) leader and business magnate Qasim Ibrahim, Adhaalath Party (AP) leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla and Aminath Nadira on behalf of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, although no representatives from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) were present.

Speaking to the press, Nazim stated that the opposition-aligned political leaders have made great sacrifices in order to elect the upcoming government. Furthermore, he stated that it is his goal to maintain and support President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration for the 5-year presidential term.

Parliament Speaker Qasim stated that Nazim's sentencing was ruled unjustly, due to which Nazim had spent a substantial period of time suffering.

"We are experiencing the freedom from the efforts against injustice," said the AP leader. Additionally, Sheikh Imran stated that those behind the fight against injustice is the Maldivian people, noting that the wishes of the people are aligned with the opposition coalition.

Former defence minister Nazim was sentenced for 11 years by the Criminal Court on March 26, 2015, over illegal weapon possession, after a pistol and three bullets were found in his residence. He had earlier appealed his conviction at the High Court and Supreme Court and lost both appeals.

However, Police disclosed on June 21, 2016, that former Vice President Adheeb’s DNA was found on the pistol. Police had failed to find any DNA evidence or fingerprints of Nazim on the pistol.

Jailed former Vice President Abdulla Adheeb had declared in a letter to the Supreme Court that former Defence Minister Nazim was not aware of the pistol nor has any information on how it was found in his residence.