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Maldives signs agreement with China to renovate foreign ministry

Nafaahath Ibrahim
30 December 2018, MVT 09:17
The agreement signing between Maldves and China to renovate Maldivian Foreign Ministry. PHOTO: FOREIGN MINISTRY
Nafaahath Ibrahim
30 December 2018, MVT 09:17

The government on Saturday signed an agreement with China for the renovation of the building complex of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The agreement was signed at a ceremony held at the Chinese Embassy in Maldives. The ceremony was attended by officials from Maldivian Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy.

On behalf of the Maldivian government, State Minister for Foreign Ministry Ahmed Khaleel signed the agreement while Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Zhang Lizhong singed on behalf of China.

According to the Foreign Ministry, the renovation work is to find a solution to the shortage of space in the building.

Additionally, the ministry stated that the services provided would be more extensive once the renovations are complete.

The current building was financed by free aid granted by the Chinese government during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's regime.