Maldives' government said on Sunday that the relationship between Maldives and India will not harm the country but will only lead to positive things.
Foreign Ministry released a press release in English on Monday in reaction to the "India Out" campaign run by opposition, where they call for the Indian military presence to leave the country. The ministry said the campaign was run by few amongst the Maldivian citizens and their goal was to create hate against our closest diplomatic ally.
Ministry said this was a concerning mater and after acknowledging that Maldivians are guaranteed the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, "the Government strongly believes these fundamental rights should be exercised in a democratic and responsible manner."
The continued attack on the currently good relationship between the two nations may lead to its downfall as well. This would effect the lives and safety of Maldivians living in the country and other nations as well.
"The Government reaffirms that the country’s long-standing ties with all its international partners are based on principles of mutual respect and understanding, and in accordance with respective national and international law," Foreign Ministry said in their press release.
They further stated that these relationships will not affect Maldives' independence and sovereignty in the international sphere.
"In fact, they are designed to enhance the Maldives’ national interests, and deliver for the people of the Maldives."
The statement also called on the opposition leaders to act responsibly and to refrain from spreading false information that could disrupt relations with its neighbors.
The India out campaign is run by Leader of PPM and PNC and Former President Abdulla Yameen. They were currently travelling to various islands to promote this campaign as well.
Yameen has said he was not campaigning against India, but rather against their continued military presence in Maldives. He criticised other governmental leaders for not participating in their campaign as well.
Photo taken on December 17 showing a woman attending the opposition run campaign calling for Indian military to leave Maldives -- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru