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Motion to probe Maldives stand switch over Chagos dispute

Mohamed Rehan
26 October 2022, MVT 19:56
Dhangethi MP and Maldives National Party (MNP) founder Mohamed Nazim (Colonel Nazim)--
Mohamed Rehan
26 October 2022, MVT 19:56

Following the stand shift by Maldives government regarding Chagos Islands dispute, an urgent motion has been filed by Dhangethi MP Mohamed Nazim to probe change of foreign policies.

After Mauritius filed at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) regarding the continental shelf issue, Maldives maintained its stance asserting Mauritius had no claim in the case. The reason it showed, was that the Chagos Islands fell under British Marine Protected Area, and was part of its colony.

However, in 2021 International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared that the UK's detachment of Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius, and claiming it under its territory violated international law.

After ICJ's advisory opinion declared UK was in violation of international law, Maldives recently declared it switched in favor of Mauritius towards Chagos Islands decolonization.

Dhangethi MP, who has filed the motion at Maldives parliament claims Maldives previously disagreed with Mauritius to ensure the latter did not take control from the former's exclusive economic zone.

The MP further confirms that the state's decision for a policy change was not informed to the parliament, neither was it discussed.

While it was noted during the ITLOS trial, that Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih sent a letter to Mauritian Prime Minister confirming the Maldives' support to Mauritius to ensure decolonization of Chagos, the decision was not put to parliament for discussion or voting. The MP claims Maldives president has acted outside of his discretionary powers on the matter, and cannot do so unless parliament provides approval.

MP Nazim further stated that any portion of the exclusive economic zone lost from the Maldivian territory is a loss carried forward to future generations. He added that the disputed territory is known for its fish-rich waters.

The parliamentarian proposed to investigate the reasons behind this policy change through a special parliamentary committee. This, according to the MP, was to ensure that the decision was not influenced by any external parties and was done so within the constitutionally granted powers.

The motion also urged the investigation should declare any positive or negative impact the Maldives will experience following the state's recent policy change.