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Foreigners detained in illegal dollar trade to be deported

Maldives Immigration has decided to deport the seven foreigners detained in an operation conducted jointly with the police last Saturday. They will be deported without the opportunity for reentry into the Maldives.

Malika Shahid
16 March 2024, MVT 11:18
[File] Dollar trading
Malika Shahid
16 March 2024, MVT 11:18

Foreigners detained for for selling dollars in the black market, will be deported from the Maldives.

Immigration Controller Shamaan Waheed said in a post on 'X' that Maldives Immigration has decided to deport the seven foreigners detained in an operation conducted jointly with the police last Saturday. They will be deported without the opportunity for reentry into the Maldives.

All foreigners were detained near the Bank of Maldives (BML) dollar ATM.

According to the statement released by Immigration on Thursday, all seven individuals involved in dollar trading were doing so without permission. This includes individuals without valid visas and foreigners working outside their visa permits.

Immigration has stated that there is public complaints and concerns regarding the issue of illegal immigrants trading dollars on the black market. Therefore, efforts are underway to identify and deport illegal immigrants involved in such activities. They also stated that similar operations will be conducted in the future.

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