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MWSC to assist in reviving Rasfari reef

MWSC and EPA will work together to rehabilitate Rasfari reef.

Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 19:07
EPA's Director General Ibrahim Naeem (R) and MWSC's Managing Director Abdul Matheen Mohamed at the agreement signing ceremony -- Photo: MWSC
Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 19:07

Maldives Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) and Maldives' Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have signed an agreement to work together in the project to revive Kaafu atoll's Rasfari reef.

Under this agreement, MWSC will provide technical assistance to EPA's Rasfari reef project which aims to revive and rehabilitate the reef and its corals. The company will also provide equipment to install a water plant and on the RV vessel used for the project, as well as equipment needed to conduct the surveys of the project.

MWSC said they will also provide water and transportation facilities for the project as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts.

The Rasfari reef, which is the most environmentally significant area of Kaafu atoll, has been protected since 1995. However, a barge ran aground on the reef in August 2021, causing significant damage over an area of 2,800 square metres of the reef.

MWSC has always supported such activities to protect and preserve the environment.

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