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News / EPA

Tug boat fined MVR 20 million after running aground on Dhiyaneru reef

EPA fined the parent company of a tug boat that ran aground on the Dhiyaneru reef, resulting in significant damage.

Ameera Osmanagic
05 June 2024, MVT 14:45
[File] Area which includes the Dhiyaneru reef --
Ameera Osmanagic
05 June 2024, MVT 14:45

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in a statement published on the Maldivian gazette today, announced that 'The Middle East Marine LLC, the owner of a tug boat that ran aground on Dhiyaneru reef has been fined by MVR 20,246,600 (USD 1,313,009).

On 23 September 2023 the company's tug boat AM Adway, and the barge that was accompanying it, Aaron ran aground on Dhiyaneru reef, where they remained until they were removed the following day, the statement detailed.

The decision to fine the tug boat's parent company was made after joint surveys conducted by EPA and surveyors hired by the company on 28 September, 2023.

Investigations revealed that the tug's impact resulted in significant damage to the reef spanning 804 square metres. However, the barge did not cause any damage, EPA confirmed.

As a penalty for the damage caused by this incident, EPA fined The Middle East Marine by MVR 20,246,600 under the Environmental Protection Act.

The company will be required to clear this payment within 30 days.

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