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Chairperson Zuhoor assures lacking football experience will not hinder the FAM Normalization Committee

Lacking experience in the field of football will not prove to be a barrier to proceedings of the Normalization Committee appointed to manage the Football Association of Maldives (FAM), declared Ahmed Zuhoor, Chairperson of the Normalization Committee.

Aishath Shuba Solih
22 August 2024, MVT 15:30
Aishath Shuba Solih
22 August 2024, MVT 15:30

Lacking experience in the field of football will not prove to be a barrier to proceedings of the Normalization Committee appointed to manage the Football Association of Maldives (FAM), declared Ahmed Zuhoor, Chairperson of the Committee.

FIFA, on Monday had appointed a five-member committee to oversee the running of the governing football federation in Maldives.

The Normalization Committee constitutes of seasoned experts in field of finance and law. Besides Zuhoor, who served as a former Sports Commissioner, no other members of the team were previously involved in the country's sports sector.

Zuhoor told Mihaaru News that members' lacking sports experiences will not serve as cause for concern in managing the association.

"That will not be lacking. That is because this work will not be undertaken by us five committee members alone," said the expert in public administration and management.

"In proceeding with the work, we will source football experts. We will proceed matters involving football guided by this expertise."

[File] Chairperson of the FAM Normalization Committee, Ahmed Zuhoor.

Zuhoor, who holds a Masters Degree in Accounting and Finance assured that the work demanding immediate addressing at this time is reformation and recovery of the association flooded in debt and financial crises to a position of normal standing.

"We noticed from information shared by FIFA that the whole place is facing financial strife. Moreover, the task most prioritized by FIFA is also financial recovery. And a system to improve the place administratively."

Speaking from Australia, Zuhoor revealed that he is scheduled to return to Maldives tomorrow.

An online convention with financial consultants of FIFA has also now been arranged for Monday next week, he added.

Zuhoor ensured that halted football activities will also resume once the association begins running and is improved to a level it can be sold.

"The most important thing at this time is financial recovery. We will also deliberate with football stakeholders, the government and sponsors as well," assured Zuhoor.

Members of FIFA Normalization Committee

Members of the FAM Normalization Committee: Ahmed Muizzu, Chairperson Ahmed Zuhoor, Fareeha Shareef, Ismail Siman, Ahmed Ali. (L-R)

Fareeha Shareef, the female member of the committee has expertise in the field of accounting and finance. Also having previously served as the Chairperson of Bank of Maldives (BML), Fareeha is among the founders of Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Maldives which aims to regulate and advance the accountancy profession in the island nation.

FIFA also instated former Prosecutor General of Maldives, Ahmed Muizzu into the committee.

Ahmed Ali, also a committee member, is a Tax Partner of the Maldivian law firm, S&A Lawyers LLP and had previously worked at Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) as its Assistant Commissioner General.

Another member appointed to committee, Ismail Siman is also a law practitioner who has experience in finance.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson, Zuhoor, has expertise in Accounting and Finance in addition to Business Management. He also holds a Masters Degree in Management.

The normalization committee's term is set to expire on July 31, 2025, however, is subject to extension if their mandates remain not completed.

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