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Price of Kandoodhoo chilies drop ahead of Ramadan

Mohamed Rehan
22 March 2023, MVT 10:57
Kandoodhoo chilies in the local market -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Mohamed Rehan
22 March 2023, MVT 10:57

The supply of Scotch bonnet chilies produced in Thaa atoll Kandoodhoo in the local market ahead of Ramadan has increased compared to the same period last year.

The increase in supply of the popular Kandoodhoo chillies in the market has dropped the prices by fourfold to MVR 330 per kilogram which had been available at MVR 1,200 last Ramadan.

“We just received the Ramadan stock. I don’t believe we will be short on supplies this year and the prices will not likely increase,” a local vendor said.

According to Kandoodhoo council’s president Ahmed Reehaan, Kandoodhoo shipped 1,200 kilograms of chilies to Malé last Saturday, and another 1,400 kilograms on Monday.

As chilies are one of the most commonly used ingredients in cooking, their demand increases during Ramadan.

“We ship chilies to Malé three times a week. The supply of chilies will not be interrupted during this Ramadan,” he said.

Kandoodhoo boasts 200 chili fields, each spanning 5,000 square feet, making it the largest chili producer in the Maldives. The island faces its local competition from Laamu atoll, Gaafu Dhaalu Fiyoari, and Kaafu atoll Kaashidhoo which also produces chilies in large quantities.

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