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Farish denies sexual harassment allegations, claims being framed

Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 18:55
'Zamzam' Farish, currently facing allegations of sexual harassment of students.
Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 18:55

Arabiyya School teacher Zamzam Farish has denied allegations of sexual harassment of students raised against him, claiming that he is being framed.

The case against Farish was submitted to Police by the Education Ministry and Gender Ministry on November 8. Police have confirmed today that they are investigating the matter.

Asked about the allegations by Mihaaru News, Farish responded that its nearly a month since the allegations were first raised, but neither the Education Ministry nor the Gender Ministry have posed any questions to him regarding the matter.

"I have also only learned about this from the media. When there are such serious allegations against me, ongoing for so long, one or other of the ministries would have questioned me, wouldn't they? While the story is that I harassed multiple students, none of the authorities have asked me any questions about it. They haven't even notified me that there are complaints against me," Farish said.

Farish alleged that attempts were made to frame him even during the "India Out" campaign, and that the same is being done currently, with some specific people behind the attempts.

"I'm a very cautious person. I don't even talk to or joke around with a female teacher. This is definitely someone's plan to try and frame me. They have tried this before," he claimed.

"They're trying to frame me again. Although the top has changed, everything remains the same below."

Farish said that two other staff members of Arabiyya School's management had also been accused of sexual harassment last year and suspended from their positions. He added that the charges had not been proved, and they had later being reinstated to their jobs.

Farish also denied rumours that he planned to quit his job at Arabiyya School.

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