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Tribunal orders Shujau be reinstated as Arabiyya Principal

Mariyath Mohamed
02 November 2023, MVT 10:07
Former Principal of Arabiya School (R) and his lawyer Ali Saeed (L).-- Photo: social media
Mariyath Mohamed
02 November 2023, MVT 10:07

The Employment Tribunal has ruled on Wednesday that former Principal of Arabiyya School Mohamed Shujau Abdul Raheem was dismissed from his position and transferred to another post in contravention of the laws.

Shujau was removed from his position as Principal and transferred to a post at the National Institute of Education (NIE) last November. Civil Service Commission said at the time that the transfer was conducted in accordance with the Civil Service Regulations.

Speaking to Mihaaru, Shujau said that the Employment Tribunal had ordered his reinstatement within a period of 30 days, ruling that he had been wrongfully dismissed at the time.

Shujau was appointed as the Principal of Arabiyya School on January 8, 2018. After his removal from the post, it was filled by Iskandhar School Principal Hussain Saeed.

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