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For the love of teaching - a teacher's daily journey of sacrifice

Mohamed Rehan
16 October 2022, MVT 11:10
Ms. Shamha Yoosuf, travels between her home island Naalaafushi and place of work in Muli of the same atoll everyday-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
16 October 2022, MVT 11:10

Shamha Yoosuf wakes up at the hour where most others struggle to get out of the bed; at the early hours of dawn. She completes all necessary household tasks for the day during that period, because she is about to head out - out of the island.

Everyday, without skipping a beat, or missing a step, Shamha gets aboard a small dinghy to travel from her home island of Meemu atoll Naalaafushi to the island of Muli of the same atoll. Her destination, luckily lies in the same lagoon as her home town - but it is still a significant amount of traveling in between the islands.

This is the story of one teacher's undying love for her craft. A tale of true commitment, dedication and sacrifice.

Shamha Yoosuf, teaches for primary students between grades one and four. Not an easy task handling four separate academic grades, and not an easy feat to pull off when you realize that this teacher has come to the school after traversing between a large body of water every single day.

When she reaches the harbor of her home island, everyday in the morning, her father will be busy readying the dinghy for disembarking; which includes unberthing the small vessel from the moorings. This is her life every Sunday through Thursday.

Her father has braved through every storm, just for Shamha to reach her destination to teach. She has experienced days with rougher seas, rainy weather, and the heat from the sun unlike her colleagues who mostly were blessed to live in the same island where they taught.

Until recently, Shamha's birth island, Naalaafushi did not have primary education up to seventh grade. In contrast to this, her destination everyday, Muli, already facilitates education up to O' Level standard.

This comes mainly due to the significant difference of population between the islands; Naalaafushi barely breaking the mark of 500 whereas Muli is home to more than 1,000 locals.

Since students cannot pursue education after grade 7 standard at Naalaafushi, they seek this opportunity from Muli. Which led to government facilitating a ferry service in 2010, carrying students from Naalaafushi to Muli.

Shamha was once a student who traveled in this ferry.

When asked why she was going through such a tumultuous task everyday, her answer was simply "For the love of teaching".

How it Started

Shamha traveling to Muli with her father; she teaches for grades one through four-- Photo: Mihaaru

Following her academic conclusion, Shamha had tried to land a job from her home island but to no avail. Luck struck a chord in her life, when she landed an educator's job in the neighboring island.

Initially, she had traveled through the same ferry that carried the students to Muli. However, after the school's administration demanded teachers attend the institution before students, she had to seek options that would take her to her destination earlier.

This was where her father came to the rescue.

"We used to travel between the islands for our education. So this has become habitual", Shamha's comment provided proof of why she had not viewed traveling between the islands as an arduous task. For her, it was just a regular, normal trip.

On days when the weather is not welcoming, Shamha protects herself using a sheet that her father placed in the dinghy just for her.

Then there are days where the weather is absolutely unforgiving, and small dinghy amid waters is an accident waiting to happen. These were the days where Shamha would seek transport through a speedboat.

Though she travels to Muli everyday with her father. Her return trip back to home island is through the staff ferry for Bank of Maldives (BML). Employees working at Muli branch, who are from Naalaafushi, head back to their home island during late afternoon.

Her father is a fisherman, so he is mainly occupied for the remainder of the day.

Though Shamha finishes her professional responsibilities at 1:00 pm, she has to wait another three hours before she heads back since the BML staff ferry disembarks from Muli at 4:00 pm.

She uses these three hours to attend to her pending tasks, so she can go home without carrying any of her work.

Mr. Yoosuf ensures his daughter reaches her place of work on time-- Photo: Mihaaru

Shamha's father, who carries the responsibility of transporting his daughter to work everyday, is also available without qualms when she needs to go for extra curricular activities of the school.

However, there are days where Shamha's father, owing to his work, is unable to transport his daughter to Muli. On such days, she has to resort to alternative transport options or excuse herself from attending.

"My dad goes fishing everyday, and transporting me to Muli is an obvious challenge for him. But regardless of this, he does it without any issues, and says he loves doing it," Shamha spoke highly of her father.

Reminiscing over days where Yoosuf, Shamha's father, had to seek transportation via speedboats, he said that the major challenge for him was on days where the weather conditions were worse.

But he was all praise for his daughter's work, and the commitment she showed.

"I always work to ensure how she [Shamha] can continue to progress ahead," Yoosuf said.

"My dream is for her to continue excelling at her work, and progress forward. I am willing to do whatever it is that I am required to ensure she reaches her goals," the proud father added.

Praises from All

Her dedication and her commitment has not gone unnoticed. Shamha is unanimously praised by all of her colleagues, and seniors of Muli school.

The school's leading teacher Aishath Shiuna, made an astute observation of Shamha's energetic nature. According to the leading teacher, despite Shamha's everyday journey between the islands, she does not appear weary from her travels, and neither is uninterested at work.

"I highly appreciate and acknowledge the sacrifices she make everyday in attending the school to teach, regardless of how the weather treats us," Shiuna added.

The school's principal Ahmed Naahid was all praises to Shamha, and recognized the sheer amount of diligence and dedication she has continued to show. Naahid had praised her for her perseverance.

Shamha's Request

This teacher who is sacrificing more than what most can comprehend everyday, shows no signs of slowing down. Regardless, she still envisions for an easier future ahead, which explains why she has made such a specific plea; to link Naalafushi and Muli through a causeway.

According to her, and as per several of the students who embark on the journey for education everyday, their tribulations will be greatly averted if the two islands are linked through a causeway.

Though the government has yet to make any such announcement towards this, for now, it remains as a hopeful dream for a teacher like Shamha who has already done the impossible.

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